Hello everyone! I hope you’re all staying safe and well during this time. Usually, this is a very fun and exciting term in school with lots of exciting events and activities for the children to take part in. However, due to the current situation we find ourselves in, this year’s Sports Day is going to be a little bit different. With the help of Ed Start, we have decided to do a Virtual Sports Week!
The table below shows the different activities we have planned for the children to participate. The activities can be done over one day, or spread out over the whole week- it is totally up to you! There is a document explaining all the scores for each activity and a scoring sheet for your child. Each child taking part will be representing their class in a ‘class competition’.
Once each activity is completed, then fill in your child’s score sheet and send their results to school. This can be done by taking a picture and emailing it, scanning the document in, or bringing the document to school. It’s totally up to you! Any results should be emailed to Hannah.boardman@salford.gov.uk along with your child’s name and their class. I will then calculate the results and we will have a winning class from EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.
We would love for as many of you as possible to take part! The deadline for the results is 14th July so the results can be calculated and published before the end of term! The children who are in school as a key worker or in Reception, Year 1 or Year 6 will take part in school.
Thank you for your support. Good luck and have fun!